viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015



Profecía del retorno del Califato bajo el ejemplo Profético

Hadiz 2

تَكُو ُ ن النُّبُوَُّة فِي ُ كمْ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ َأ ْ ن تَ ُ كو َ ن ُثمَّ يَرَْفعُهَا ِإَذا شَاءَ َأ ْ ن
يَرَْفعَهَا ُثمَّ تَكُو ُ ن خِلَافٌَة عََلى مِنْهَا ِ ج النُّبُوَّةِ فَتَكُو ُ ن مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ َأ ْ ن
تَ ُ كو َ ن ُثمَّ يَرَْفعُهَا ِإَذا شَاءَ اللَّهُ َأ ْ ن يَرَْفعَهَا ُثمَّ تَكُو ُ ن مُْل ً كا عَا  ضا
فَيَكُو ُ ن مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ َأ ْ ن يَ ُ كو َ ن ُثمَّ يَرَْفعُهَا ِإَذا شَاءَ َأ ْ ن يَرَْفعَهَا ُثمَّ
تَكُو ُ ن مُْل ً كا جَبِْريًَّة فَتَكُو ُ ن مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ َأ ْ ن تَ ُ كو َ ن ُثمَّ يَرَْفعُهَا ِإَذا شَاءَ
َأ ْ ن يَرَْفعَهَا ُثمَّ تَكُو ُ ن خِلَاَفًة عََلى مِنْهَا ِ ج النُّبُوَّةِ ُثمَّ سَ َ كتَ


Habrá Profecía hasta que Aláh quiera que haya, entonces Él la quitará cuando quiera, entonces habrá Khilafah conforme al método Profético y durará mientras Aláh quiera, entonces Él hará que desaparezca cuando quiera, entonces habrá un cruda Realeza durante el tiempo que Allah quiera, entonces Allah la quitará, entonces habrá una Realeza opresiva durante el tiempo que Alllah quiera, entonces la quitará cuando quiera, y entonces habrá Khilafah conforme al método Profético" y entonces se quedó silencioso.


a. The hadith indicates that there will be no difference in the rule after the Prophet , in the sense that the Khilafah after him will be based upon his methodology, and follow his example. So there is unity
between the Prophetic methodology and the methodology of the11 successors in applying the rule of Islam, with the only difference being the end of the revelation which was completed before the passing of the Prophet.
b. The “biting Kingship” refers to the misapplication of the taking of the pledge of allegiance, which was taken by force and then subsequently handed down by hereditary rule rather than by consent as exemplified to us by the example of the Prophet and the first four Khulafaa.
c. The “oppressive Kingship” is the period of time when the Muslims were ruled by those whose rule was based upon Islam but were oppressive upon the people, as indicated by the Prophet in other narrations that the Muslims should obey their leader even if he whips their backs as long as he does not order them to commit sin.
d. The last part of the hadith is a glad tiding for the Muslim Ummah, a prophecy that there will again be Khilafah established, with the Will of Allah سبحانه وتعالى , based upon the Prophetic methodology.

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